From simple Web pages to database-driven online stores to Webcasts of special events, we at Old Barn Vermont work with our clients, making custom Web solutions that meet your needs. Our solutions include marketing and maintenance of the site, but if you are eager to learn, we can teach you how to do some of it yourself.
Old Barn Vermont is more than a Web Design Company. We take the history of your company, organization, or family and weave it into your online store, Web Site, CD, or photo exhibit. Remember Y2K? It was not only a problem for your computer -your old photos, tapes, and documents are still in danger. We help you preserve them and, at the same time, show businesses how to use their unique history to make their products and services more compelling.

Old Barn Vermont, LLC
470 Hammett Hill Road
East Montpelier, VT 05651-4034
Telephone: 802-223-7858
Fax: 802-229-4585